Month: March 18, 2016 10:07 am

Easter pastoral of the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy of the U.S.A. to our clergy, hieromonks and brothers, religious sisters, seminarians and…...

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“Russia’s latest show trial,” editorial, The Washington Post, March 11 ( f28-e6e0-11e5-a6f3-21ccdbc5f74e_story.html?postshare=1131457714720578&tid=ss_fb): The Obama administration keeps betting that Vladimir Putin…...

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Dear Editor: Since the events on the Maidan and the subsequent Russian invasion of Ukraine, a significant portion of Americans…...

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The other day, my old friend Prof. Dr. Dr. (he has two doctorates) Ilarion Khvalko-Yerundovych was poking along Second Avenue…...

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